Mobile phones new tracking software with Cell Spy Now

5 09 2010

Cell Spy Structure installed

Via Wikipedia

There is a spy around us and you would not know what hit you. Your mobile phone becomes a potent tracking device that can be used to get information and to use that information for anything you need.

Cell Spy Now is a small program that can be used to transform an ordinary phone into a potent tracking device. Once installed on virtually any mobile phone, on any network and on any place, the device can track down a person that is intended to be under surveillance. Cell Spy Now created this device as a way to help people in need to monitor cell phone activity.

The Cell Spy can be used on the most phones to high end smart phones. The device can turn a targeted person’s mobile phone to a goldmine of information where all SMS information and call logs can be tapped into and used. Another aspect of the Cell Spy program is that one can tap on the microphone and use it as a remote input device to listen to conversations even if the phone is not really in use.

The Cell Spy is marketed mostly for those who seek answers regarding infidelity issues, drug abuse as well as other personal matters. While the individual taps on the mobile phone, the person in question will not be able to know that the mobile phone is being spied on. Cell Spy Now is initially made to function with the phone in question installed with the software program. earlier versions include a remote program utilizing Bluetooth technology to tap on a mobile phone without the need to install any other program on any phone.

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